

Tanto placer me hizo hacer de nuevo este jabón tan fino,tan delicado...
So much pleasure made me do again this soap so fine, so delicate ...
Es la segunda vez con una receta totalmente diferente. 
Is the second time with a totally different recipe.  

Aquí puedes ver mi primer jabón INDIAN ROSE,hace casi 2 años:http://alegriamediterranea.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/indian-rose.html
Here you can see my first INDIAN ROSE soap, almost 2 years ago:http://alegriamediterranea.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/indian-rose.html
Me gustan los dos, aunque son tan diferentes.
I like them both, although are so different.
-The Rose speaks of Love silently,in a language known only to the heart-